The best gardening supplies – what you really need now

June 26th, 2016
Posted In: Shop

‘Gardening supplies’ is a funny term.

It covers a whole category of extremely useful things that make gardening much easier. In the past, I used to muddle along with anything that came to hand.

Garden supplies - kit that really works

Then I discovered gardening supplies…

… proper weeding tools, tomato supports, gardening gloves that I love wearing…

The weeds grow twelve inches a night at the moment. So I thought it was time to share my views on the miscellaneous things I’ve bought or been sent for review. Here are the ones that have really made a difference to my gardening.

There are affiliate links here, which means you can buy if you click on the photo or title. If you do, I may get a small fee but it won’t add to your cost. And it does make it easy!

And if all you want is a basic essential garden tool kit, see this post here.

Otherwise, in no particular order, I can recommend the following:

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6 comments on "The best gardening supplies – what you really need now"

  1. David says:

    I actually work in a garden centre and appreciate the quality of well made tool such as forks and edging tools which do come at a price. I’ve come to the opinion that it’s the guarantee you’re actually paying for as we still get broken forks and spades. As I’m not particularly well paid I cannot buy much of what we sell so I have to go to the discount stores. So far I’ve managed to find bargains here and there and at the moment I’m happy with the quality of asda shears £3 and Morrisons pots £3 also. When it comes to plants many supermarkets lack the knowledge and this shows with dead or near death plants still on sale. You can enjoy gardening though on a budget thankfully

    1. Thank you for your professional insights – very helpful.

  2. Just in case a novice gardener is as poor as we were – I used to get tools from auctions. The very basic auctions from house clearances or agricultural. Great quality well loved tools. Xxxx

  3. Daniel says:

    Sadly, when starting out, the novice gardener is frequently under the impression that a basic gardening kit from B&Q will suffice.

    This is not the case.

    I’m glad to see a more comprehensive list above of what’s really required. It could prove to be a real time saver so take heed!

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