Christmas ideas – a white Christmas tablescape

December 3rd, 2017
Posted In: Decorations/parties

The phrase ‘Christmas tablescape‘ has emerged from Pinterest, along with ‘Christmas mantelscapes.’

Christmas tablescape with silver birch, pussy willow and berries

This Christmas tablescape is on the piano in the hall. It looks so effective because there’s a strong repeated theme throughout – silver birch, pussy willow and berries.

A Christmas tablescape isn’t always about decorating a dining table.  It’s a Christmas still life, on a coffee table, a hall table, or even the top of a piano or bookcase.

Faversham florist, Charlotte May, of Lotty’s Flowers, has decorated Denise and Adrian Riggs’ house with tablescapes and a mantelscape. Denise started it off by collecting her favourite ideas on Pinterest, to show Charlotte, and she also specified the colour theme, which was white.

White mantelscape

The same theme echoed on the mantelpiece or ‘mantelscape’ as Pinterest would call it…

Denise wanted to be able to re-use some elements, such as stars and fake berries, from year to year. Others are fresh – such as the holly, eucalpytus and pussy willow – and can be varied to create different effects in other years.

Spray twigs and seed heads white instead of gold

You can spray twigs and branches silver and gold for Christmas – but it’s also worth considering spraying it all white instead.

A new way with holly

The red berries in this vase are holly branches stripped of their leaves. It gives a clean, contemporary look.

You can buy them like this in florists’ or you could, possibly, strip your own holly branches of leaves.

Use 'water pearls' in a glass vase

The branches are in a clear glass vase with ‘water pearls’ at the base.

Water pearls are tiny dehydrated beads which swell when you drop them into water. They have a silky, slippery texture, when fully expanded. Use them with water in clear glass vases to hydrate fresh flowers or twigs.You can buy them at a florist – Lotty’s Flowers sells them, for example.

You can also buy them as ‘water beads’ online from Amazon (where I’m an affiliate so if you buy, I may get a small fee but it won’t affect the price you pay.) Water beads are also available in a range of colours.

Water pearls

Water pearls re-hydrating

The practical side of a Christmas tablescape

If you arrange a Christmas tablescape on a side table or a coffee table, it may be moved around by people using the table.

So Charlotte arranged everything on trays to anchor the display (see below). When putting together the display, think in triangles – an overall triangle shape usually works well in still life.

'Christmas tablescape' on trays

Coffee table ‘Christmas tablescape’ on trays – keeps it all together.

By the way, if you like the white birch twig tea light holder, you can adapt the techniques in this Jam Jar Christmas post to make it yourself.

Pussy willow twig wreath

I love the pussy willow twig wreath. Check out this post on how to make a twig wreath for tips.

A simple, effective Christmas vase

Simple, but effective: white sprayed twigs, eucalyptus and berries. I’ve sometimes used short lengths of silver birch which have been pruned from our tree. After Christmas, it can go on the fire. 

Charlotte May does wedding flowers as well as floral decorations for homes, and her florist shop in Faversham is a delight.

Lotty's Flowers in Faversham

Lotty’s Flowers in Faversham

More Christmas decorating ideas

Sustainability is so important now. See this post to discover how to create a glorious Christmas with completely sustainable, zero waste Christmas decorations created from garden clippings.

As you may also be thinking of decorating outside or decorating your garden, remember that wildlife can be disturbed by too many flashing lights, so see easy wildlife-friendly decorations for the garden.

And to make an easy, stylish wreath for your door, see how to make a twig wreath (also from garden clippings!). For an extra-large ‘wow factor’ wreath, you can wind ivy round a child’s hoola hoop, then add decorations. Find out more in the rise and rise of the extra large wreath.

And you can make decorating the Christmas table part of the Christmas walk. Here’s a post on easy festive table decorations from the garden or from foraging.

Pin to remember Christmas tablescape tips:

Christmas tablescapes

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